Mentions in the Media and Books

Some of the mentions Chinayouren received from the mainstream press, a few interesting institutions and one pretty good book:

The Shanghai blogger Uln already has an idea. Blogging tongue in cheek — or perhaps not — he recently suggested that online democracy advocates stop referring to Charter 08 by its name, and instead choose a different moniker. “Wang,” perhaps. Wang is a ubiquitous surname, and weeding out the subversive Wangs from the harmless ones might melt circuits in even the censors’ most powerful computer.“Wang,” perhaps. Wang is a ubiquitous surname, and weeding out the subversive Wangs from the harmless ones might melt circuits in even the censors’ most powerful computer.

Blogger Uln at Chinayouren says this could be a missed opportunity if Google does leave or is banned as a result of its confrontation with the Chinese government

Happy Niu Year: An explanation of various meanings attached to the Chinese greeting of choice for 2009. [Chinayouren]

This is a book that clearly stands out from the recent China books, and it might be destined to become one of the big references in the field.

CHINA IN THE 21st CENTURY, by Jeffrey N Wasserstrom. Notes: On the overlapping uses of and differences between the terms “Great Firewall” and “Net Nanny,” see ULN (a pseudonym for a blogger who describes himself or herself simply as a “foreigner living happily in Shanghai”), “China's Internet Censorship Explained” posted on the blogsite Chinayouren: Of China Changing the World, January 22, 2009.

For one observer’s analysis of these statistics, see "A Study of Sex-Selective Abortion," China YouRen blog, 13 May 10

According to Chinayouren”: The way the message has been drafted, chances for to remain are slim. It will be very difficult for Google to step back from this, the whole tech World is going nuts about it. On the other hand, it is even more difficult for the Chinese authorities: even if they were willing to accept Google’s conditions (which they are not) they could never allow a Western company to publicly force their policies. Unless there is some kind of recanting, is doomed.

Julen Madariaga, Charter 08: Why it Should be Called Wang, CHINAYOUREN (Jan. 11,2009)

Charter 08: Why It Should Be Called Wang,” Chinayouren, January 11, 2009

Blogging the Gap: A survey of China bloggers. Interviewed by Kelly Arnot

Was invited to this podcast by the Spanish website Zaichina

Google Documents and Groups Open in China!
